GenBook-RK3588 Crowdfunding projects
非常感谢你的支持。团队会继续努力,希望下一代产品能够跳出传统笔记本的思维,真正做一款好用的ARM笔记本出来。 -
@george 期待下一代产品,会保持关注的。
cool pi 的技术支持是我见过最专业和迅速的,有问必答。 -
I looked over the specs and noticed this "DC charging (9 V-20 V)" I assume that this feature will be present on a (3.0?) MB revision? if so, this would make it much easier to find a upmarket charger for it. Will the charging barrel will have the same dimensions as the current 2.0 revision MB?
Someone else mentioned a fingerprint sensor, those who are familiar with fingerprint HW support in Linux knows it is miserable to say the least. Most fingerprint sensors are essentially Windows only devices.
Yes a fingerprint sensor would be nice addition, but perhaps not a realistic one.As for myself, back-lit keyboard as an option and better charging/bigger battery (sort of confirmed already) is a great next move. I think you're on the right track with the next revision of this machine.
Ive used the 2.0 version for quite a while now, and i
m quite pleased with it. The biggest downside is not the machine itself, but mainline kernel support (yes, i know it
s coming) . Thats what i think has been keeping any RK3588 based devices (like the CM5 laptop) from really catching on. Since the CM5 requires custom kernel and custom boot loader, but that
s mostly Rockhip`s responsibility and not yours. -
Thank you for your suggestions and affirmation of Coolpi laptops. Regarding fingerprint sensors, Linux support is not perfect enough, and we will do our best to provide support. Large capacity batteries and other accessories will be sold separately in the future, mainly for older versions of machines. We will continue to improve the adapter and try to find a smaller and more convenient model. Thanks again. -
Share please new system image with mainline kernel, i will test it on cool pi laptop.
At present, the edp function of the mainline kernel has not been debugged yet, and can only output HDMI temporarily. So the LCD is currently unable to display properly. The main line currently has DTS configuration for CM5-EVB, and after comparing it with the updates on Notebook, it can start up normally. -
经常有吞键,还有误触的情况。虽然感觉不太可能有机会改善了,但还是要吐槽一下。 -
当然要和Thinkpad的键盘没法比较,但是确实从来没有收到过键盘会误触 吞键的问题,这套模具我们工厂X86一年几十万台出货量的。如果确实是单体有问题,直接申请售后就好了。这个没关系的。 -
@george 我懂,不过经过研究,我发现在键帽和导电胶之间垫上一层贴纸就可以极大程度的改善手感和按压不到底导致的吞字问题。
好的,抽空弄一个。其实教给大家方法可能会更好,回头写个帖子,就以archlinux作为对象一步一步制作镜像。 -
@george 这个太好了,拥抱滚动更新的模式了。我选择跟进其实还有一个非常重要的原因就是我浏览了cool-pi的论坛,发现几乎每条建议和留言都有回复,这让我很有信心。
@mez62 需要更多的参与者一起完善
期待能放出做其他发行版的教程和手册,我可以做个 fedora 的。
也可以考虑开个讨论频道,IRC 也行,这样速度快一点。 -
目前的大容量电池厂家给的最小起订量是3K,交期要2个月,认证还要45天。众筹的这个来不及上大容量电池了。只能后续作为配件再升级了。 -
@george 这太可惜了,不知道有没有什么小批量内部测试的,或者可以兼容哪些chuwi的电池模块。
Can this be charged by USB C? I don't care for barrel chargers anymore when USB C is everywhere.
Hardware versions after V20 can support TYPEC PD charging, but it can only be used when turned on, and only supports adapter charging when turned off. -
@george The only place I can find to buy this is but it doesn't state what HW version it is. There seems to be more than enough internal space for a larger battery as well as an additional USB C port only for charging.
Ideally, what is the best way to get this laptop and the internal WAN expansion board?