GenBook-RK3588 Crowdfunding projects
The CM5 laptop is currently crowdfunding on the CrowdSupply platform, with a new product name called GenBook-RK3588. The following improvements will be made to the current laptop product:
- The memory has been fully upgraded to LPDDR5X for better energy efficiency.
- The capacity of the battery has increased, but the specific capacity of the structure is still in the evaluation stage.
- The module language supports TPM (Trusted Platform Module).
- The speaker effect in the audio section continues to improve and reduce background noise.
- Optimize the overall power consumption and expect longer usage time.
- The software supports the mainline kernel and is expected to be submitted in mid July.
- Improvement of various Linux distributions.
If you have any better suggestions, you can share them with us. Thank you for your support.
DDR5 应该是 CM5 的那个新版模块集成的吧,也就是说会有新模块,到时候单卖吗?
如果我没理解错的话这个众筹版本应该算是“正式版”?现在能买到的 notebook v20 其实算是一个“原型机”或者“测试版”?这个版本和现有的 V20 有多大区别?mainboard 也有变化么?还是只有 cm5 的核心模块有变化。
目前的 38Wh 电池的确是有点小了,能大一点最好。TPM 我觉得应该搭配 UEFI 支持一起上才会有价值。就跟国内前一阵卖的那个什么“幽兰代码本”一样。
整机功耗的确有点高,大部分时间是 10w,扛不住 4 小时,体现不出 ARM 的功耗优势,不知道是硬件优化还是软件优化?
提几个建议,不过考虑到这个机器用的也是 chuwi gemibook x pro 的那个模具,有些可能也不太容易改进,但如果能做到那自然是最好的,能改就改,不能改也没办法。
1, 增加键盘背光,这个键盘应该是可以上背光的。
2, 触摸板能换成玻璃材质的最好。
3, 改良机身强度,目前打字会明显感觉中间是空的,容易下沉,轻轻一按就形变了,部分键帽的导电胶也会存在受力不均匀,有时候按了一下没识别。不一定要金属的,换个结实点的材质也未尝不可,我看 PInebook就很结实。
4,加个指纹识别(我看主板上有排线插口),不过感觉也没地方放,但是 chuwi 有个模具用的键盘是一样的,电源键带指纹。
还有就是个人建议去 indiegogo 众筹,或者给一些 linux 社区之类的发发广告,老外应该买的人不少。很多当年用 pinebook pro 的人想要 3588 的本子,这个应该是个不错的代替。
目前所有在使用机器的用户后面都可以通过单独模块升级和GenBook同步。这点不用担心,关于功耗的问题,这个主要看负载,实际从3588的硬件规格来看,单独一个CPU满载模式的功耗都会超过10W。笔记本类产品只能针对性的做优化,更多的是基于场景的调频策略。 -
昨天编译内核发现温度已经飙到83摄氏度了,会影响性能吗? -
- 温度达到一定的值,会自动降频,这个目前是有策略的。
- 主控有硬件的OVP保护机制,超过一定温度值会强制重启。
- PMIC电源管理超过一定温度会直接掉电。
顺便一提我看到你们在 hackaday 的链接了:里面列出了 lcd 升级的表格,我升级的是NV140FHM-N66 这块面板,比起列表里那个 N61 来说,亮度低了一点,但是是 DC 调光,比较护眼。目前使用完美兼容。
本来想升级 4K 的,但是怕功耗顶不住,暂时搁置了,面板也选好了,大概率是可以用的。 Mali G610 应该是可以 hold 住 4K 屏幕的。
目前这个电脑可以支持3屏显示,用起来挺不错的,尤其边撸代码边看视频 -
@george 2K好屏幕有很多,但是如果是预装 Ubuntu 的话我不太建议用 2K,因为 Gnome 的 “非整数缩放”做的很烂,只有 KDE 会好一些。
升级 2K 屏的话最好就得把 DE 换成 KDE 开 150% 了,Gnome 的话会很难受。
我是网络运维,平时有兼职写稿子,这个本子用起来的确不错,除了键盘敲起来和我原来的 ThinkPad 比起来还是有差距,不过这也没办法。
非常感谢你的支持。团队会继续努力,希望下一代产品能够跳出传统笔记本的思维,真正做一款好用的ARM笔记本出来。 -
@george 期待下一代产品,会保持关注的。
cool pi 的技术支持是我见过最专业和迅速的,有问必答。 -
I looked over the specs and noticed this "DC charging (9 V-20 V)" I assume that this feature will be present on a (3.0?) MB revision? if so, this would make it much easier to find a upmarket charger for it. Will the charging barrel will have the same dimensions as the current 2.0 revision MB?
Someone else mentioned a fingerprint sensor, those who are familiar with fingerprint HW support in Linux knows it is miserable to say the least. Most fingerprint sensors are essentially Windows only devices.
Yes a fingerprint sensor would be nice addition, but perhaps not a realistic one.As for myself, back-lit keyboard as an option and better charging/bigger battery (sort of confirmed already) is a great next move. I think you're on the right track with the next revision of this machine.
Ive used the 2.0 version for quite a while now, and i
m quite pleased with it. The biggest downside is not the machine itself, but mainline kernel support (yes, i know it
s coming) . Thats what i think has been keeping any RK3588 based devices (like the CM5 laptop) from really catching on. Since the CM5 requires custom kernel and custom boot loader, but that
s mostly Rockhip`s responsibility and not yours. -
Thank you for your suggestions and affirmation of Coolpi laptops. Regarding fingerprint sensors, Linux support is not perfect enough, and we will do our best to provide support. Large capacity batteries and other accessories will be sold separately in the future, mainly for older versions of machines. We will continue to improve the adapter and try to find a smaller and more convenient model. Thanks again. -
Share please new system image with mainline kernel, i will test it on cool pi laptop.
At present, the edp function of the mainline kernel has not been debugged yet, and can only output HDMI temporarily. So the LCD is currently unable to display properly. The main line currently has DTS configuration for CM5-EVB, and after comparing it with the updates on Notebook, it can start up normally. -
经常有吞键,还有误触的情况。虽然感觉不太可能有机会改善了,但还是要吐槽一下。 -
当然要和Thinkpad的键盘没法比较,但是确实从来没有收到过键盘会误触 吞键的问题,这套模具我们工厂X86一年几十万台出货量的。如果确实是单体有问题,直接申请售后就好了。这个没关系的。 -
@george 我懂,不过经过研究,我发现在键帽和导电胶之间垫上一层贴纸就可以极大程度的改善手感和按压不到底导致的吞字问题。
好的,抽空弄一个。其实教给大家方法可能会更好,回头写个帖子,就以archlinux作为对象一步一步制作镜像。 -
@george 这个太好了,拥抱滚动更新的模式了。我选择跟进其实还有一个非常重要的原因就是我浏览了cool-pi的论坛,发现几乎每条建议和留言都有回复,这让我很有信心。