The current images are written to EMMC by default. If you want to boot from nvme, you can perform partition copying on the system. Then modify the partition label on NVME, and then modify the label of the corresponding cmdline boot partition. You can achieve NVME charging and startup.
Posts made by george
RE: Laptop install Ubuntu on nvme
RE: CM5 EVB 调试情况咨询
CM5的DSI接口暂时没有做和树莓派PIN TO PIN的排线,规格差距太大,CM5的DSI可以支持2路MIPI 4LINE同时输出,而且兼容2路触摸。用户可以根据自己MIPI屏的规格做转接。 -
RE: CM5 EVB 调试情况咨询
1、pcie 3.0 x4 现在实际测试速率可以达到多少?论坛上有人说只能支持到pcie 3.0 x2? 只能到X2,理论速度单line是8GT/s,X2就是16GT/s。
2、mipi dsi的转接线淘宝有卖吗?csi的转接线我看到是有,那个支持双mipi csi接口的转接排线是可以直接接树莓派的两个IMX219模组是吧?转接排线淘宝网店就可以买到,可以同时支持两个IMX219工作。
3、@jack_admin 后边有针对类似CP4目前支持的国产操作系统(麒麟之类的)也支持到5evb上吗? 麒麟和统信目前只有CM5-NOTEBOOK可以支持。因为还存在一些兼容性的问题,暂时没有推到CM5-EVB和CP4。 -
RE: CM5 EVB 调试情况咨询
1、CM5 EVB mipi dsi/eDP 支持哪些屏幕可以列个清单吗?兼容树莓派的接口(看原理图好像不一样)?
2、想确认下现在CSI接口 IMX219(树莓派接口相机)在该板子上的适配情况?
3、pcie 3.0 x4目前兼容哪些外设方便总结下不
可以支持通用的PCIE设备,比如网卡 SATA扩展板 WIFI等,一般X86的ubuntu版本可以支持的外设都可以支持。
4、发现cm5 evb 目前还没有android相关的SDK 开发包是开发组有碰到什么问题吗?有没有release的一个计划表?
android版本可以参考CP4的源码自己更换DTS即可,这个建议用户自己实现。 -
RE: CoolPi 4B硬件扩展二:Serial port
可以,但是比较麻烦,需要改loader uboot kernel,现在扩展口上面串口不够用吗? -
RE: merge back to armbian source
I'm very glad you could provide help. Thank you. -
RE: Cool Pi ARM Notebook Preview
Thank you for your suggestion. The main reason for choosing this shell is due to structural limitations. As our machine is designed with a core board and bottom board, the overall height will be higher than that of the single board method. At present, the metal shells on the market cannot meet the structural requirements.
We have conducted an evaluation on the heat dissipation, and the current heat dissipation method is to add graphene to the copper skin on the back. The temperature rise during normal video playback can be controlled to around 30 degrees Celsius. -
RE: CoolPi 4B: Change output pins of i2c3 and i2c5
Refer to the following documents:
https://www.cool-pi.com/topic/70/coolpi-4b硬件扩展三-i2c?_=1695004097775 -
RE: CoolPi 4B: Change output pins of i2c3 and i2c5
@maxpol I2C3 I2C5 cannot be changed to other pinsOf course, you can try opening other I2C channels.
RE: CM5 reboots for no reason.
troubleshoot the power issue and try playing a network video to observe if there is a restart phenomenon.
If you have a debug serial port board on hand, you can try monitoring the log information. And submit it to the community for our analysis.
RE: cool pi4 use UOS system
@fetsch Burn in the same way as other images, such as using an etcher.
Debian switching system language (switching from Chinese to English)
- Run the following command
sudo dpkg-reconfigure locales
Pop up a dialog box and select according to the following figure
Confirm and restart the system to switch to English language
RE: Cool Pi ARM Notebook Preview
@TheSwede86 There is a minimum quantity requirement for keyboard customization, and how many quantities do you need. Thank you for your attention.
RE: merge back to armbian source
Recently, I have been working hard to push CM5 NOTEBOOK to the ARMBIAN mainline. Further information will be released as soon as possible. Thank you for your support.
RE: CoolPI 4B-PRO Product Introduction
@Mz3D-0 Please contact the following merchants to purchase
https://www.aliexpress.com/store/1102584120?spm=a2g0o.detail.1000007.1.741341e6SybgoR -
RE: CoolPI 4B-PRO Product Introduction
@Mz3D-0 This product is currently not in mass production, and a separate prototype can be provided. Alternatively, it is recommended to pay attention to the CM5 machine, which offers two types of products: EVB and NOTEBOOK.