CoolPi 4b Ubuntu gst拉取usb摄像头不稳定,经常断开
uname -a
Linux Ubuntu 5.10.110 #5 SMP Thu Mar 2 17:39:26 CST 2023 aarch64 aarch64 aarch64 GNU/Linux系统是论坛上下载的Ubuntu
cat /etc/lsb-release DISTRIB_ID=Ubuntu DISTRIB_RELEASE=22.04 DISTRIB_CODENAME=jammy DISTRIB_DESCRIPTION="Ubuntu 22.04.3 LTS"
(rknn_py39) edwardzhou@Ubuntu:~/opencv_work/build$ v4l2-ctl -d /dev/video20 --all Driver Info: Driver name : uvcvideo Card type : USB PHY 2.0: USB CAMERA Bus info : usb-fc800000.usb-1.3 Driver version : 5.10.110 Capabilities : 0x84a00001 Video Capture Metadata Capture Streaming Extended Pix Format Device Capabilities Device Caps : 0x04200001 Video Capture Streaming Extended Pix Format Media Driver Info: Driver name : uvcvideo Model : USB PHY 2.0: USB CAMERA Serial : Bus info : usb-fc800000.usb-1.3 Media version : 5.10.110 Hardware revision: 0x00000100 (256) Driver version : 5.10.110 Interface Info: ID : 0x03000002 Type : V4L Video Entity Info: ID : 0x00000001 (1) Name : USB PHY 2.0: USB CAMERA Function : V4L2 I/O Flags : default Pad 0x01000007 : 0: Sink Link 0x02000013: from remote pad 0x100000a of entity 'Extension 4' (Video Pixel Formatter): Data, Enabled, Immutable Priority: 2 Video input : 0 (Camera 1: ok) Format Video Capture: Width/Height : 640/480 Pixel Format : 'MJPG' (Motion-JPEG) Field : None Bytes per Line : 0 Size Image : 4177920 Colorspace : sRGB Transfer Function : Rec. 709 YCbCr/HSV Encoding: ITU-R 601 Quantization : Default (maps to Full Range) Flags : Crop Capability Video Capture: Bounds : Left 0, Top 0, Width 640, Height 480 Default : Left 0, Top 0, Width 640, Height 480 Pixel Aspect: 1/1 Selection Video Capture: crop_default, Left 0, Top 0, Width 640, Height 480, Flags: Selection Video Capture: crop_bounds, Left 0, Top 0, Width 640, Height 480, Flags: Streaming Parameters Video Capture: Capabilities : timeperframe Frames per second: 30.000 (30/1) Read buffers : 0 white_balance_temperature 0x0098091a (int) : min=0 max=255 step=1 default=128 value=128
usb摄像头如果接 USB3.0的那两个蓝色接口,无法工作,gst打不开。接 USB2.0的插口,才能工作。
用gst-launch-1.0 测试
1) 有时会直接失败, 再次又能成功
(rknn_py39) edwardzhou@Ubuntu:~/opencv_work/build$ gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video20 ! image/jpeg,width=640,height=480 ! jpegparse ! mppjpegdec ! videoconvert ! appsink Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ... Pipeline is PREROLLED ... Setting pipeline to PLAYING ... New clock: GstSystemClock libv4l2: error turning on stream: Input/output error ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstV4l2Src:v4l2src0: Failed to allocate required memory. Additional debug info: ../sys/v4l2/gstv4l2src.c(800): gst_v4l2src_decide_allocation (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstV4l2Src:v4l2src0: Buffer pool activation failed ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstV4l2Src:v4l2src0: Internal data stream error. Additional debug info: ../libs/gst/base/gstbasesrc.c(3127): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstV4l2Src:v4l2src0: streaming stopped, reason not-negotiated (-4) Execution ended after 0:00:00.067890509 Setting pipeline to NULL ... Freeing pipeline ...
2) 能成功拉取,过十几秒又会自动中断
开始成功的输出(rknn_py39) edwardzhou@Ubuntu:~/opencv_work/build$ gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video20 ! image/jpeg,width=640,height=480 ! jpegparse ! mppjpegdec ! videoconvert ! appsink Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ... Pipeline is PREROLLED ... Setting pipeline to PLAYING ... New clock: GstSystemClock Redistribute latency... 0:00:07.9 / 99:99:99.
拉取过十几秒后失败 自动断开
rknn_py39) edwardzhou@Ubuntu:~/opencv_work/build$ gst-launch-1.0 v4l2src device=/dev/video20 ! image/jpeg,width=640,height=480 ! jpegparse ! mppjpegdec ! videoconvert ! appsink Setting pipeline to PAUSED ... Pipeline is live and does not need PREROLL ... Pipeline is PREROLLED ... Setting pipeline to PLAYING ... New clock: GstSystemClock Redistribute latency... ERROR: from element /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstV4l2Src:v4l2src0: Internal data stream error. Additional debug info: ../libs/gst/base/gstbasesrc.c(3127): gst_base_src_loop (): /GstPipeline:pipeline0/GstV4l2Src:v4l2src0: streaming stopped, reason error (-5) Execution ended after 0:00:13.670819439 Setting pipeline to NULL ... Freeing pipeline ...
Cool Pi4 Ubuntu 22.04 上 ssh remote 方式访问USB摄像头的问题与解决
环境: Ubuntu 22.04 0303纯净版
接上 usb camera 开机,没有登陆桌面
ssh 登录 coolpi4 (ip:
ssh python import cv2 camera = cv2.VideoCapture(20)
无法打开usb 摄像头。
此时,到前面的ssh remote 里,发现也能打开摄像头获取头像了。
好玩的事情出现,当我登出桌面(log out)后, ssh remote 又无法打开摄像头。
后面猜测可能是权限的问题,便问了chatgpt, 并进行验证
sudo python import cv2 camera = cv2.VideoCapture(20)
sudo usermod -aG video edwardzhou # 重新登录 python import cv2 camera = cv2.VideoCapture(20) # 成功
确保当前用户在 video 组里面。 -
RE: Coolpi 4b firmware with buildroot
make coolpi4_defconfig
make -j12把 rootfs.tar.gz 拷贝到 U盘的install 目录下,插上即可完成系统刷新。
rknpu toolket 1.4
BuildRoot upgrade 到 2022.11 或 最新 2023.02
更好的做法,把 coolpi4 的相关部分抽离出来成为一个patch
这就容易进行 buildroot的升级,甚至用户可以自己去尝试升级buildroot
RE: Cool pi 4B & CM5 探索快速安装系统新方法
我对上面的备份安装放在同一个U盘实现的方法,做了一些改进,通过启动菜单选择 备份 还是 安装, 比每次去改 initrd.img 要方便很多。
步骤1. 编辑 /extlinux/extlinux.conf 如下
menu title Select the boot mode TIMEOUT 60 default Linux coolpi backup label Linux coolpi backup kernel /Image initrd /initrd-backup.img fdt /rk3588s-cp4.dtb append root=LABEL=writable rw rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n81 quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.global_cursor_default=1 irqchip.gicv3_pseudo_nmi=0 net.ifnames=0 label Linux coolpi install kernel /Image initrd /initrd-install.img fdt /rk3588s-cp4.dtb append root=LABEL=writable rw rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n81 quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.global_cursor_default=1 irqchip.gicv3_pseudo_nmi=0 net.ifnames=0
步骤2, 把 install 中的 initrd.img 复制过来,并改名为 initrd-install.img
步骤3, 把 backup 中的 initrd.img 复制过来,并改名为 initrd-backup.img
你局可以看到菜单Capacity: 30436.5 MB = 29.7 GB (62333952 x 512) ... is now current device Scanning usb 0:1... Found /extlinux/extlinux.conf Retrieving file: /extlinux/extlinux.conf reading /extlinux/extlinux.conf 629 bytes read in 39 ms (15.6 KiB/s) Select the boot mode 1: Linux coolpi backup 2: Linux coolpi install Enter choice:
输入1 或 2 回车即可,默认是1, 60秒无输入,则自动启动backup
长按 5s 断电关机,
再按 2s 通电开机,
如果能加上这个模式,比拔插电源会便利很多 -
RE: Coolpi 4b firmware with buildroot
烧录了 coolpi-4b-buildroot-20230201 ,启动失败.
LPDDR4X, 2112MHz channel[0] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=17 CS1 Row=17 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=4096MB channel[1] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=17 CS1 Row=17 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=4096MB channel[2] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=17 CS1 Row=17 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=4096MB channel[3] BW=16 Col=10 Bk=8 CS0 Row=17 CS1 Row=17 CS=2 Die BW=16 Size=4096MB Manufacturer ID:0xff CH0 RX Vref:28.7%, TX Vref:21.8%,20.8% CH1 RX Vref:30.7%, TX Vref:21.8%,21.8% CH2 RX Vref:29.7%, TX Vref:20.8%,19.8% CH3 RX Vref:30.7%, TX Vref:19.8%,20.8% change to F1: 528MHz change to F2: 1068MHz change to F3: 1560MHz change to F0: 2112MHz out INFO: Preloader serial: 2 NOTICE: BL31: v2.3():v2.3-481-g17b41886e:derrick.huang NOTICE: BL31: Built : 16:20:07, Dec 7 2022 INFO: spec: 0x13 INFO: ext 32k is not valid INFO: ddr: stride-en 4CH INFO: GICv3 without legacy support detected. INFO: ARM GICv3 driver initialized in EL3 INFO: valid_cpu_msk=0xff bcore0_rst = 0x0, bcore1_rst = 0x0 INFO: system boots from cpu-hwid-0 INFO: idle_st=0x21fff, pd_st=0x11fff9, repair_st=0xfff70001 INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[0].freq_mhz= 2112MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[1].freq_mhz= 528MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[2].freq_mhz= 1068MHz INFO: dfs DDR fsp_params[3].freq_mhz= 1560MHz INFO: BL31: Initialising Exception Handling Framework INFO: BL31: Initializing runtime services INFO: BL31: Initializing BL32 INFO: hdmirx_handler: dma not on, ret I/TC: I/TC: OP-TEE version: 3.13.0-652-g4542e1efd #derrick.huang (gcc version 10.2.1 20201103 (GNU Toolchain for the A-profile Architecture 10.2-2020.11 (arm-10.16))) #5 2022年 09月 20日 星期二 09:41:09 CST aarch64 I/TC: Primary CPU initializing I/TC: Primary CPU switching to normal world boot INFO: BL31: Preparing for EL3 exit to normal world INFO: Entry point address = 0x200000 INFO: SPSR = 0x3c9 COOLPI LOADER BY YANYI(Mar 15 2023) DRAM: 16 GiB Using default environment 0 2 1 3 6 8 7 9 hdmi@fde80000 disconnected Autoboot in 1 seconds hdmi@fde80000 disconnected starting USB... Bus usb@fc000000: usb maximum-speed not found trsv ln0 mon rx cdr lock timeout Register 2000140 NbrPorts 2 Starting the controller USB XHCI 1.10 Bus usb@fc880000: USB EHCI 1.00 Bus usb@fcd00000: usb maximum-speed not found Register 2000140 NbrPorts 2 Starting the controller USB XHCI 1.10 scanning bus usb@fc000000 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning bus usb@fc880000 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning bus usb@fcd00000 for devices... 1 USB Device(s) found scanning usb for storage devices... 0 Storage Device(s) found Device 0: unknown device Skip repair gpt partition table. switch to partitions #0, OK mmc1 is current device part_get_info_efi: *** ERROR: Invalid GPT *** part_get_info_efi: *** Using Backup GPT *** Failed to mount ext2 filesystem... ** Unrecognized filesystem type ** switch to partitions #0, OK mmc0(part 0) is current device Scanning mmc 0:1... Found /extlinux/extlinux.conf Retrieving file: /extlinux/extlinux.conf reading /extlinux/extlinux.conf 285 bytes read in 3 ms (92.8 KiB/s) 1: Linux coolpi Retrieving file: /initrd.img reading /initrd.img 8775086 bytes read in 51 ms (164.1 MiB/s) Retrieving file: /Image reading /Image 37706240 bytes read in 212 ms (169.6 MiB/s) append: root=LABEL=writable rw rootfstype=ext4 console=ttyS0,115200n81 quiet splash plymouth.ignore-serial-consoles vt.global_cursor_default=1 irqchip.gicv3_pseudo_nmi=0 net.ifnames=0 rtleth=ethaddr:02:7c:d6:4d:f7:84 Retrieving file: /rk3588s-cp4.dtb reading /rk3588s-cp4.dtb 141838 bytes read in 4 ms (33.8 MiB/s) ## Flattened Device Tree blob at 0x0a100000 Booting using the fdt blob at 0x0a100000 Loading Ramdisk to eb175000, end eb9d35ae ... OK Loading Device Tree to 00000000eb14f000, end 00000000eb174a0d ... OK Adding bank: 0x00200000 - 0x08400000 (size: 0x08200000) Adding bank: 0x09400000 - 0xf0000000 (size: 0xe6c00000) Adding bank: 0x100000000 - 0x3fc000000 (size: 0x2fc000000) Adding bank: 0x3fc500000 - 0x3fff00000 (size: 0x03a00000) Adding bank: 0x4f0000000 - 0x500000000 (size: 0x10000000) Starting kernel ... I/TC: Secondary CPU 4 initializing I/TC: Secondary CPU 4 switching to normal world boot I/TC: Secondary CPU 5 initializing I/TC: Secondary CPU 5 switching to normal world boot I/TC: Secondary CPU 6 initializing I/TC: Secondary CPU 6 switching to normal world boot I/TC: Secondary CPU 7 initializing I/TC: Secondary CPU 7 switching to normal world boot I/TC: Secondary CPU 1 initializing I/TC: Secondary CPU 1 switching to normal world boot I/TC: Secondary CPU 2 initializing I/TC: Secondary CPU 2 switching to normal world boot I/TC: Secondary CPU 3 initializing I/TC: Secondary CPU 3 switching to normal world boot [ 8.736111] rk-pcie fe190000.pcie: IRQ msi not found [ 8.736128] rk-pcie fe190000.pcie: Missing *config* reg space [ 8.736222] rk-pcie fe190000.pcie: Missing *config* reg space [ 8.736251] rk-pcie fe190000.pcie: invalid resource [ 8.739214] mpp-iep2 fdbb0000.iep: allocate roi buffer failed [ 8.740373] mpp_rkvdec2 fdc38100.rkvdec-core: shared_niu_a is not found! [ 8.740378] rkvdec2_init:1010: No niu aclk reset resource define [ 8.740382] mpp_rkvdec2 fdc38100.rkvdec-core: shared_niu_h is not found! [ 8.740384] rkvdec2_init:1013: No niu hclk reset resource define [ 8.740922] mpp_rkvdec2 fdc48100.rkvdec-core: shared_niu_a is not found! [ 8.740926] rkvdec2_init:1010: No niu aclk reset resource define [ 8.740929] mpp_rkvdec2 fdc48100.rkvdec-core: shared_niu_h is not found! [ 8.740932] rkvdec2_init:1013: No niu hclk reset resource define [ 8.742685] mpp_iommu_probe:434: failed to get device node [ 8.742690] mpp_av1dec av1d-master: failed to attach iommu [ 8.869851] rockchip-drm display-subsystem: connector[HDMI-A-1] can't found any modes [ 8.877700] rockchip-drm display-subsystem: failed to show kernel logo [ 9.053563] rk806 spi2.0: no sleep-setting state [ 9.058182] rk806 spi2.0: no reset-setting pinctrl state [ 9.063486] rk806 spi2.0: no dvs-setting pinctrl state [ 9.276288] tinker-mcu: send_cmds: send command failed, ret = -6, retry again! [ 9.283644] tinker-mcu: send_cmds: send command failed, ret = -6, retry again! [ 9.290994] tinker-mcu: send_cmds: send command failed, ret = -6, retry again! [ 9.298344] tinker-mcu: send_cmds: send command failed, ret = -6, retry again! [ 9.305693] tinker-mcu: send_cmds: send command failed, ret = -6, retry again! [ 9.312906] tinker-mcu: send_cmds: send command failed [ 9.318035] tinker-mcu: tinker_mcu_probe: init_cmd_check failed, -6 [ 9.888252] tinker-ft5406: tinker_ft5406_probe: wait connected timeout [ 9.906965] : terminal subdev does not exist [ 9.911238] : terminal subdev does not exist [ 9.915502] : terminal subdev does not exist [ 9.919766] : terminal subdev does not exist [ 9.924031] : get_remote_sensor: video pad[0] is null [ 9.929075] : rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote sensor_sd failed! [ 9.936285] : get_remote_sensor: video pad[0] is null [ 9.941327] : rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote sensor_sd failed! [ 9.948539] : get_remote_sensor: video pad[0] is null [ 9.953582] : rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote sensor_sd failed! [ 9.960791] : get_remote_sensor: video pad[0] is null [ 9.965836] : rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote sensor_sd failed! [ 9.974213] rockchip-mipi-csi2: Async registered subdev [ 10.043504] arm-scmi firmware:scmi: Failed. SCMI protocol 17 not active. [ 10.178210] debugfs: File 'Capture' in directory 'dapm' already present! [ 10.201674] debugfs: Directory 'fb000000.gpu-mali' with parent 'vdd_gpu_s0' already present! [ 10.409766] debugfs: File 'Left Hp mixer' in directory 'dapm' already present! [ 10.416980] debugfs: File 'Right Hp mixer' in directory 'dapm' already present! [ 10.424280] debugfs: File 'HPCP L' in directory 'dapm' already present! [ 10.430880] debugfs: File 'HPCP R' in directory 'dapm' already present! [ 10.437480] debugfs: File 'HPVOL L' in directory 'dapm' already present! [ 10.444166] debugfs: File 'HPVOL R' in directory 'dapm' already present! [ 10.452281] ov5648 8-0036: could not get default pinstate [ 10.457674] ov5648 8-0036: could not get sleep pinstate [ 10.466090] ov5648 8-0036: Unexpected sensor id(000000), ret(-5) [ 10.473190] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 10.482317] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 10.491431] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: There is not terminal subdev, not synchronized with ISP [ 10.491646] rockchip_headset rk-headset: Can not read property headset_gpio [ 10.492963] RKNPU fdab0000.npu: can't request region for resource [mem 0xfdab0000-0xfdabffff] [ 10.492971] RKNPU fdab0000.npu: can't request region for resource [mem 0xfdac0000-0xfdacffff] [ 10.492975] RKNPU fdab0000.npu: can't request region for resource [mem 0xfdad0000-0xfdadffff] [ 10.496671] debugfs: Directory 'fdab0000.npu-rknpu' with parent 'vdd_npu_s0' already present! [ 10.506201] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 10.523208] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: There is not terminal subdev, not synchronized with ISP [ 10.568001] RKNPU fdab0000.npu: failed to find power_model node [ 10.573914] RKNPU fdab0000.npu: RKNPU: failed to initialize power model [ 10.580515] RKNPU fdab0000.npu: RKNPU: failed to get dynamic-coefficient writable: recovering journal writable: clean, 4402/196608 files, 272411/758012 blocks mount: /dev: devtmpfs already mounted or mount point busy. Starting syslogd: OK Starting klogd: OK Running sysctl: OK /bin/modetest Populating /dev using udev: [ 11.978133] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[3] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.978143] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[1] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.979095] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[2] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.979097] rkcif_scale_ch2: update sensor info failed -19 [ 11.979138] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[1] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.979140] rkcif_scale_ch1: update sensor info failed -19 [ 11.979413] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.979414] stream_cif_mipi_id0: update sensor info failed -19 [ 11.979824] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.979826] rkcif_scale_ch0: update sensor info failed -19 [ 11.982241] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[3] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.982243] stream_cif_mipi_id3: update sensor info failed -19 [ 11.982583] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[1] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.982584] rkcif_tools_id1: update sensor info failed -19 [ 11.985808] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[2] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.985809] rkcif_tools_id2: update sensor info failed -19 [ 11.987076] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[0] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 11.987079] rkcif_tools_id0: update sensor info failed -19 [ 11.987270] rkcif_scale_ch3: update sensor info failed -19 [ 12.020112] stream_cif_mipi_id1: update sensor info failed -19 [ 12.025594] rkcif-mipi-lvds2: rkcif_update_sensor_info: stream[2] get remote terminal sensor failed! [ 12.113820] stream_cif_mipi_id2: update sensor info failed -19 [ 12.294975] aicbsp: sdio_err:<aicwf_sdio_bus_pwrctl,1160>: bus down [ 12.949583] ieee80211 phy0: [ 12.949583] ******************************************************* [ 12.949583] ** CAUTION: USING PERMISSIVE CUSTOM REGULATORY RULES ** [ 12.949583] ******************************************************* done Initializing random number generator: OK Saving random seed: OK Will now mount all partitions in /etc/fstab Note: Will skip fsck, remove /.skip_fsck to enable Handling /dev/root / ext4 rw,noauto 1 /bin/disk-helper: line 328: findmnt: command not found Handling tmpfs /tmp tmpfs mode=1777 0 Handling tmpfs /run tmpfs mode=0755,nosuid,nodev 0 Handling proc /proc proc defaults 0 Handling devtmpfs /dev devtmpfs defaults 0 Handling devpts /dev/pts devpts mode=0620,ptmxmode=0666,gid=5 0 Handling tmpfs /dev/shm tmpfs nosuid,nodev,noexec 0 Handling sysfs /sys sysfs defaults 0 Handling configfs /sys/kernel/config configfs defaults 0 Handling debugfs /sys/kernel/debug debugfs defaults 0 Handling pstore /sys/fs/pstore pstore defaults 0 Log saved to /tmp/mount-all.log Starting system message bus: done starting bootanim... Starting bootanim: 825... done. Starting hook: /etc/bootanim.d/ load wifi modules: insmod: can't insert '/system/lib/modules/bcmdhd.ko': No such file or directory OK wl: wl driver adapter not found Starting bluetoothd: OK Starting network: OK Starting seatd: OK Starting dhcpcd... dhcpcd-9.4.1 starting dev: loaded udev DUID 00:01:00:01:c7:92:bc:8a:e0:75:26:66:33:e3 forked to background, child pid 875 Starting ntpd: OK starting weston... done. Starting dropbear sshd: OK Starting pulseaudio: OK Starting /usr/bin/usbdevice start, log saved to /tmp/usbdevice.log W: [pulseaudio] main.c: This program is not intended to be run as root (unless --system is specified). [ 18.701164] dma-pl330 fea30000.dma-controller: fill_queue:2263 Bad Desc(2) Starting dnsmasq: OK Starting input-event-daemon: done root@rk3588:/# Date: 1970-01-01 UTC [00:00:10.476] weston 11.0.0 Bug reports to: Build: 11.0.0 [00:00:10.476] Command line: /usr/bin/weston [00:00:10.476] OS: Linux, 5.10.110, #5 SMP Thu Mar 2 17:39:26 CST 2023, aarch64 [00:00:10.476] Flight recorder: enabled [00:00:10.476] warning: XDG_RUNTIME_DIR "/var/run" is not configured correctly. Unix access mode must be 0700 (current mode is 0755), and must be owned by the user UID 0 (current owner is UID 0). Refer to your distribution on how to get it, or on how to implement it. [00:00:10.477] Using config file '/etc/xdg/weston/weston.ini' [00:00:10.478] Output repaint window is -1 ms maximum. [00:00:10.479] Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-11/' [00:00:10.486] initializing drm backend [00:00:10.486] Entering mirror mode. [00:00:10.486] Trying libseat launcher... [00:00:10.486] [libseat/libseat.c:73] Seat opened with backend 'seatd' [00:00:10.486] [libseat/backend/seatd.c:228] Enabling seat [00:00:10.486] libseat: session control granted [00:00:10.486] using /dev/dri/card0 [00:00:10.486] DRM: does not support atomic modesetting [00:00:10.486] DRM: does not support GBM modifiers [00:00:10.486] DRM: supports picture aspect ratio [00:00:10.487] Loading module '/usr/lib/libweston-11/' arm_release_ver of this libmali is 'g6p0-01eac0', rk_so_ver is '6'. [00:00:10.519] EGL version: 1.4 Valhall-"g6p0-01eac0" [00:00:10.519] EGL vendor: ARM [00:00:10.519] EGL client APIs: OpenGL_ES [00:00:10.519] warning: Disabling render GPU timeline and explicit synchronization due to missing EGL_ANDROID_native_fence_sync extension [00:00:10.519] EGL features: EGL Wayland extension: yes context priority: yes buffer age: no partial update: yes swap buffers with damage: no configless context: yes surfaceless context: yes dmabuf support: modifiers [00:00:10.538] GL version: OpenGL ES 3.2 v1.g6p0-01eac0.ba52c908d926792b8f5fe28f383a2b03 [00:00:10.538] GLSL version: OpenGL ES GLSL ES 3.20 [00:00:10.538] GL vendor: ARM [00:00:10.538] GL renderer: Mali-LODX [00:00:10.775] GL ES 3.2 - renderer features: read-back format: ARGB8888 wl_shm 10 bpc formats: yes wl_shm 16 bpc formats: no wl_shm half-float formats: yes internal R and RG formats: yes OES_EGL_image_external: yes wl_shm sub-image to texture: yes [00:00:10.793] event8 - adc-keys: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard [00:00:10.793] event8 - adc-keys: device is a keyboard [00:00:10.793] event6 - rockchip,dp0 rockchip,dp0: is tagged by udev as: Switch [00:00:10.816] event6 - not using input device '/dev/input/event6' [00:00:10.817] event1 - CX 2.4G Receiver: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard [00:00:10.817] event1 - CX 2.4G Receiver: device is a keyboard [00:00:10.817] event2 - CX 2.4G Receiver Mouse: is tagged by udev as: Mouse [00:00:10.817] event2 - CX 2.4G Receiver Mouse: device is a pointer [00:00:10.818] event3 - CX 2.4G Receiver: not tagged as supported input device [00:00:10.830] event3 - not using input device '/dev/input/event3' [00:00:10.830] event4 - CX 2.4G Receiver Consumer Control: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard [00:00:10.830] event4 - CX 2.4G Receiver Consumer Control: device is a keyboard [00:00:10.831] event5 - CX 2.4G Receiver System Control: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard [00:00:10.831] event5 - CX 2.4G Receiver System Control: device is a keyboard [00:00:10.831] event0 - rk805 pwrkey: is tagged by udev as: Keyboard [00:00:10.831] event0 - rk805 pwrkey: device is a keyboard [00:00:10.831] event7 - rockchip-hdmi0 rockchip-hdmi0: is tagged by udev as: Switch [00:00:10.850] event7 - not using input device '/dev/input/event7' [00:00:10.877] libinput: configuring device "adc-keys". [00:00:10.877] libinput: configuring device "CX 2.4G Receiver". [00:00:10.877] libinput: configuring device "CX 2.4G Receiver Mouse". [00:00:10.877] libinput: configuring device "CX 2.4G Receiver Consumer Control". [00:00:10.877] libinput: configuring device "CX 2.4G Receiver System Control". [00:00:10.877] libinput: configuring device "rk805 pwrkey". [00:00:10.877] DRM: head 'HDMI-A-1' updated, connector 197 is disconnected. [00:00:10.877] DRM: head 'HDMI-A-1' found, connector 197 is disconnected. [00:00:10.877] DRM: head 'DP-1' updated, connector 211 is disconnected. [00:00:10.877] DRM: head 'DP-1' found, connector 211 is disconnected. [00:00:10.877] Output 'DUMMY' attempts EOTF mode: SDR [00:00:10.877] Registered plugin API 'weston_drm_output_api_v1' of size 32 [00:00:10.878] Color manager: no-op [00:00:10.878] Compositor capabilities: arbitrary surface rotation: yes screen capture uses y-flip: yes cursor planes: yes arbitrary resolutions: no view mask clipping: yes explicit sync: no color operations: yes presentation clock: CLOCK_MONOTONIC, id 1 presentation clock resolution: 0.000000001 s [00:00:10.878] Loading module '/usr/lib/weston/' [00:00:10.880] launching '/usr/libexec/weston-keyboard' [00:00:10.880] launching '/usr/libexec/weston-desktop-shell' could not load cursor 'dnd-move' could not load cursor 'dnd-copy' could not load cursor 'dnd-none' could not load cursor 'dnd-move' could not load cursor 'dnd-copy' could not load cursor 'dnd-none' xkbcommon: ERROR: couldn't find a Compose file for locale "C" (mapped to "C") could not create XKB compose table for locale 'C'. Disabiling compose E: [pulseaudio] module-rescue-streams.c: module-rescue-stream is obsolete and should no longer be loaded. Please remove it from your configuration. W: [pulseaudio] server-lookup.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Using X11 for dbus-daemon autolaunch was disabled at compile time, set your DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS instead W: [pulseaudio] main.c: Unable to contact D-Bus: org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.NotSupported: Using X11 for dbus-daemon autolaunch was disabled at compile time, set your DBUS_SESSION_BUS_ADDRESS instead xkbcommon: ERROR: couldn't find a Compose file for locale "C" (mapped to "C") could not create XKB compose table for locale 'C'. Disabiling compose
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