6.1 Kernel GPU firmware update
The mali_csffw.bin path corresponding to the Panthor driver needs to be modified. The dmesg information will show the new loading path, and copying it on the system will enable GPU acceleration. -
Thans! It is working!gpu acceleration
sudo dmesg | grep panthor
create folder before copy
sudo cp /usr/lib/firmware/mali_csffw.bin /usr/lib/firmware/arm/mali/arch10.8/ -
目前看来好像 coolpi 官方是想要尽快把设备支持推到主线内核里,包括 panthor 的支持,但是我又看到有种声音是说 panthor 的性能不如那个 panfork
而且很多人为了追求 panfork 的 gpu 性能也是搞出了 kernel 6.1 + panfork 的,比如
https://cool-pi.com/topic/588/bredos-for-the-cool-pi-4b所以这个 panfork 的性能真的差距那么大吗?panthor 我目前用感觉还好,不过还没抽空测试游戏什么的。
stock ubuntu, linux kernel 5.1 - 2000fps (panfork ??)
debian testing, linux kernel 6.1 - 1000fps (panthor ??)
software - 150 fps (cpu ??)With any GPU acceleration it's good.
Performance it's a second problem, first is - OpenGL ES 3.1
Good apps want open GL 4.5, example is blender or xonotic game. -
The efficiency of the Panthor driver is currently lower, and we look forward to future updates. -
@plumlis 请问你更换的什么网卡,我也想换,不知道会不会有什么障碍
@yfblock intel ax201
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