@mainbord Link you provided below and the link on the top of the page ask to log in to one drive account. I have tried two of my one drive accounts both generate errors. I have copied below an error. Please send me a link that does not require log in. (I have also tried incognito mode suggested in the error message. But that also does not work)
We're sorry, but mtiqbal@live.com can't be found in the coolpi-my.sharepoint.com directory. Please try again later, while we try to automatically fix this for you.
Here are a few ideas:
Click here to sign in with a different account to this site.
This will sign you out of all other Office 365 services that you're signed into at this time.
If you're using this account on another site and don't want to sign out, start your browser in Private Browsing mode for this site (show me how).
If that doesn't help, contact your support team and include these technical details:
Correlation ID: c75158a1-9067-3000-dfa1-4b25e18d6a71
Date and Time: 10/9/2024 1:19:19 PM
URL: https://coolpi-my.sharepoint.com/personal/coolpi_coolpi_onmicrosoft_com/_layouts/15/onedrive.aspx?id=%2Fpersonal%2Fcoolpi_coolpi_onmicrosoft_com%2FDocuments%2Fcoolpi&ga=1
User: mtiqbal@live.com
Issue Type: User not in directory.