We have been making progress!!
This post is deleted! -
@george Many thanks for your kindly reply.
Does 32GB+ 64G version is 64GB emmc or nvme?
Can Linux OS can be boot from nvme or emmc/tf only?Can laptop charge from typec port?
I saw there is a new version Cool pi laptop v20. when will it be released?
You said there is touch version of laptop .Does it on sale right now? -
- 32+64 configuration is emmc, 32+1T is nvme
- At present, the system only supports booting from emmc, and the machine does not have a TF card interface. After upgrading the NVME driver in uboot, it can be booted from NVME.
- The typec interface can support PD charging, but currently it can only be used when turned on. The shutdown state can only be charged through a DC adapter.
- The current shipped versions are all V20 motherboards.
- We can provide models of touch screens that you can purchase through Taobao or other platforms. The touch model requires replacement of the ribbon cable. If you are in China, I can give you a free one as a gift.
- The model of the touch screen is: BOE NV140FHM-T07
@george Nice , I will consider to get one.
Actually the only con of this laptop is the screen.
Hope the "replaceable panel list" and "guide video" will release soon. -
Already purchased on taobao. And told don't forget my gift( 40Pin cable)
BTW, I'd like to have a nvme ssd for storage. Could you tell me which brand have best compatible?
Just confirmed with the warehouse that there are delivery cables together. Please check carefully.
The SSD part has not undergone comprehensive testing yet, so it is currently difficult to recommend specific models. We will update it after the code is completed. Thank you for your support. -
@george So good to hear that.
I guess Nvme with PCIe 4.0 may have some compatible issue.
I will try to install PCIe 3.0 one. -
Refer to the disassembly video below, the screw lengths are differentiated, please note.
https://www.bilibili.com/video/BV1UZ421J7RB/?spm_id_from=333.999.list.card_archive.click -
@george Thanks for your info.
Just subscribed on bilibili.还有个问题很好奇问一下,屏幕面板的拆卸简单吗?B面是卡扣还是双面胶?
以及我看到你们说4K面板驱动没问题,但是结构有问题,是不是面板因为大小尺寸不一样装不进去导致的。我也看到论坛里有个帖子文 edp 排线接口的情况,你们说是原生的。那支持 2880x1800 90hz 这种高刷屏幕吗?还是会限制在 60hz。
总之本子到手后我先升级到 24.04 用一下看看,也期待 6.1 内核的进度。
@george I purchased to V20 upgrade and installed it with Ubuntu 24.04. It does not recognize the NVMe stick. Am I doing something wrong?
@george Never mind. It just started working. No clue why, but I'll monitor it and let you know if it starts to get flaky.