Firefox deb version freezed when try to play video
Ubuntu 24.04 with firefox deb version from mozilla ppa.
Everything works fine except video playing on youtube .
whole firefox browser will freeze and I had to kill it.
Here are some logs from terminal:
GFX1 TextureHost creation failure type=4
VideoBridgeParent receives IPC close with reason=AbnormalShutdownBut video playing works well under chromium browser. Or maybe works well on snap version firefox? I can't remember.
This issue was also tested in version 22.04 due to compatibility issues with hardware decoding of RK in firefox in deb format. The use of Snap version cannot call the hardware decoder of RK, but there is no crash issue with video soft decoding, or although the local browser of Chromium cannot call the hardware decoder of RK yet, the software decoder can meet daily use. -
@george So is it possible to disable hardware decoding in firefox, and this may fix this issue?
I'll try it out.
Firefox defaults to calling ffmpeg decoding, and we have added hardware decoding support for rkmpp to the local ffmpeg. So you just need to update the ffmpeg version to the standard version published on the official website. -
@george I disabled hardware acceleration and everything works fine now.
Also some display issue while scrolling is solved.
Will this issue being fixed in Kernel 6.1 and new version mesa?
Provide a basic image, the system can start normally, WIFI is working properly, and support for GPU and VPU has not been added yet.
@george nice, I'll gave it a try.
thank you.
Someday we will be able to use mainline kernel.
Coolpi4b and cm5 evb currently support mainline kernels above 6.8, but laptops do not support mainline kernels due to eDP display drivers. So it will be a little later. Currently undergoing debugging. Looking forward to the next main version being released. Thank you for your support. -
May be you can add build recipe here, it will be a good advertise -
Actully not only video playing decode issue.
But also some display area shutter issue while scrolling.
Disable GPU accelaration. everthing looks fine now.Will this be solved in kernel 6.1 BSP?
How is the status of kernel 6.1 now? When will we see it?I tried to compile kernel by myself ftom cool pi github 6.1 stan rkr1 branch but failed.
Is it safe to install newer version mesa?
I saw that new version mesa have many panfrost related fixes. -
The kernel version 6.1 will support it and is currently being adapted. -
@george okay. hope kernel 6.1 will release soon.
And thanks for your hard work.
Hey George. Could you have some USB Disk brands recomand to use as Boot drive?
I tried many Sandisk 3.0 and all of them don't work. Only one 16GB USB(No brand) disk can boot up. But it can't be use as fedora image( It's 17GB )
Let me briefly introduce the current situation of the NAND flash industry. The best A-class die is used as a high-capacity and high-value storage device for first tier brands such as SSDs and EMMCs. The worse one is used for second tier brands such as EMMCs and NAND FLASH, and the worse one is used for a large number of bad fast devices. The 8GB capacity can be reduced to 4G or 2G for USB drives or T cards. There is even worse junk die, which will appear on the T card that costs a few yuan on Mouduoduo. So if doing system mirroring, it is recommended to use SSD or SATA portable hard drives, as both performance and reliability are the best. -
@george I knew that.
But the point is I can't find a usb stick to make this fedora image boot up.
Wiki said only usb 2.0 disk can be boot up.I tested all my usb 3.0/2.0 devices. Only one usb 2.0 stick can be booted. But it's 16GB, fedora image is 17GB and can't write to it.
I just asked you to recommand a usb device can be boot up.
Suggest updating uboot to the latest version and then trying USB BOOT. The latest development branch has been optimized for some USB drives. Of course, you can also write images to EMMC through UMS. -
@george It seems I have to compile boot loader first?
Following this guide.
Ubuntu 24.04 don't have python2, can't compile directly, annoying